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How to Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce And Convert Sales

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The fast-paced development of the e-commerce segment brings a lot of benefits to retailers who want to promote their products on the Internet and target buyers around the world. This development also entails a number of problems faced by companies with regard to online consumer buying behavior. Lately, strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce have generated growing interest.

Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce

In recent years, abandoning shopping carts buyers have gradually become the main focus in the campaigns on increasing sales and the rate of conversion. In this article, we discuss why potential buyers abandon their shopping and how to convert them into buyers, particularly in the WooCommerce platform.

Why Do Potential Buyers Abandon Their Shopping Cart?

According to Statista.com, 69.23% of the digital shopping carts and baskets were abandoned and the purchase was not completed in their recent study that covered 2017 trends. Research has identified three different customer segments:

  • Consumers who abandoned the shopping cart from the first visit on the site
  • Those who abandon shopping purchases on a regular basis
  • Regular customers that abandon the shopping basket

The main reason behind this online consumer behavior is the unpleasant online experience followed by indecision.

Other reasons for the shopping carts abandonment are: purchase processes that take too long, fear regarding the security of the online payment, technical errors that generate frustrations for your potential buyers, expensive delivery costs.

Cart Abandonment Rate by Industry
Shopping Cart abandonment by device 2016

Despite the efforts made by the eCommerce sector to improve the online shopping experience, including responsive web design, the shopping cart abandonment rate did not suffer major changes. It is time to consider a more hands-on approach to the matter.

How to Approach the Shopping Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce And Successfully Convert Sales?

First of all, under no circumstance should you ignore any chance to get to know your customers! Always try to cultivate a relationship with him/her/it. Make the design of your website interactive and entice your visitors to leave their e-mail addresses, phone numbers or any other contact details they wish to use in order to receive word from your company. Newsletters that provide the latest info about your products and advertise hard to pass on discounts codes are a proven method of achieving this goal.

Email Refferals

Once the above phase is completed, you can proceed to the first step in the approach of the shopping cart abandonment strategy. Contact your client. You have the most chances for a successful outcome if you send the emails in the first 24 or even 12 hours from the start of the transaction. If you have a phone number you should make a call.

Customize the e-mail using your client’s first name and also add the list with the products they have selected in the shopping cart or suggest similar products. Email referrals to customers who have abandoned your shopping order may return a higher conversion than regular emails.

Attract them with incentives

If the reminder email or contact email did not prompt the customer to resume the order, then you can try to provide them with an incentive. Try to lead them to choose your store for a future online purchase. Avoid rewarding those who resume the order and offer an incentive only to those who complete it. For example, you can offer a discount or a bonus product for the orders completed within the first 72 hours from the first buying attempt.


Generally speaking, remarketing campaigns refer to how those who once visited your store and navigate on other sites (portals, online newspapers, blogs, etc.) can see banners with messages and images that have the role of bringing it back to the site continue and complete the order.

Before you start such a campaign, you have to make sure that you have publicly presented your cookie information policy to your visitors in a clear terms and conditions area. Basically, it is now mandatory to display such information, explain to your visitors that you use cookies from Google and Facebook to display ads that are most relevant to them.

The Latest, Best Tools That Help Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce And Successfully Convert Sales


OptinMonster has a user-friendly, simple and to the point approach when it comes to strategies to why this is happening and how to reduce cart abandonment in the e-sales domain. Choosing their product not only opens you an important database of strategies and advice on how to reduce cart abandonment but also it saves up a ton of time and effort since it encapsulates multiple tools to help you stay connected with your customers.

Features that specifically help with cart abandonment/ Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce

  • Referrer Detection: Show targeted messages based on where the user is coming from.
  • OnSite Follow Up Campaigns®: Create on-site drip campaigns triggered by visitor interactions.
  • Real-Time Behavior Automation: Skyrocket conversions with automated personalization.
  • Geo-Location Targeting: Personalize campaigns based on the visitor’s location.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Create special offers and promotions for returning visitors.
  • Cookie Retargeting: Fine-tune your personalization with custom cookie retargeting.
  • Success Tracking Scripts: Setup retargeting pixel based on campaign interaction to boost ROI.
  • List Segmentation: Group subscribers based on interests for marketing automation.
  • A/B Testing: Easily A/B test your ideas to keep increasing conversions.
  • Smart Success: Make new offers to people who have already opted into your campaigns.
  • Conversion Analytics: Get the stats you need to improve your lead-generation strategy.


Though we live a fast-paced life we still appreciate a human connection and that is where the Live Chat product proves it’s value. It is a smart tool that helps you interact with your customers, provide a customized experience and also collect feedbacks that help your business get better.


  • A multitude of highly customizable chat tools: Visitor information, Chat tags, Chat window themes, Company logo, Messages and labels, Language, Social media buttons, Agent profiles, Engagement graphics, Automatic greetings, Personal greetings, Eye-catchers, Ticket form, Chat on Facebook, Embedded and a pop-up chat window
  • Basic statistics: Chat reports, Ticket reports, Filters, Daily summary
  • E-commerce tools: Goals, Sales tracker, Sales information, Targeting visitors from campaigns, E-commerce integrations
  • Visitors tracking: Gathering customer data, Visitor information filtering, Additional visitors information


If you want to turn email marketing into your top source of revenue, Rejoiner is definitely worth your attention. The highlight of the experience with Rejoiner is that you receive their team’s help with setting your first campaign, monitor it, A/B test it and receive personalized suggestions.



With AdRoll you can reach your target audiences on top sites, social networks, personalized email, and beyond. Run desktop and mobile friendly campaigns and gain a clearer understanding of shoppers while delivering a customized experience.

Features That Help Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce

  • A/B Testing
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Content Management
  • Customizable Branding
  • Customizable Templates
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Real-Time Data
  • Reporting & Statistics

Woocommerce Smart Coupons

This plugin makes it super easy to create, issue and manage everything around coupons, credits and gift certificates. Besides high quality visual for your products and free shipping (flat free or conditional), experts agree that discount codes or gift vouchers are most convincing when it comes to closing a sale.

Features That Reduce Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce

  • Automatic bulk coupon generation and dispatch
  • Issue coupons on product purchase – sell gift vouchers or give a discount on other products on purchase of one product. Great for upsells, downsells and to encourage repeat sales!
  • Comprehensive Store Credit system – customers can maintain, top-up and purchase from their fund balance. Grows customer lifetime value.
  • Gift Certificates – purchase and send gift cards/ vouchers/credits to yourself or friends with custom messages
  • One click coupon use – no need to remember or type codes. Shows available coupons on Cart & My Account page and applies with a single click
  • Beautiful coupon designs
  • Totally self-managed – automatic credit balance maintenance, automatic coupon removal on zero balance and more


CartStack advocates for a suite of website abandonment campaigns & tools that strive to automatically recover 15% of your lost eCommerce sales.


  • Abandoned Cart Email Campaigns
  • A/B split tests that allow you to find the perfect messaging to get shoppers engaged with your emails
  • Real-Time Data Capture: CartStack sits quietly in the background of your website, capturing email addresses, phone numbers and other contact data as it’s typed on any page.
  • Advanced Reporting & Visitor Tracking
  • Exit Intent & Delayed Popups
  • “Send My Cart” Email Campaigns: A simple way for shoppers to save their cart for later, instead of abandoning it!

As you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to fighting Cart Abandonment in WooCommerce and successfully generate sales. In such a competitive market it is key to know your client, the general trends and also the most efficient tools that can help your business stay in the spotlight and thrive. Use more strategies, be patient since some provide results over a longer period of time and always put your trust in professional services, with a solid portfolio of clients. Avoid scammers that promise the moon, even though they may provide cheaper services. And last but not least, study your competitors’ vision and see where their strong points are and how you could do better.

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