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Best WooCommerce Advanced Product Filter Plugins (Free and Premium)

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Product filters plugins are powerful tools which makes the job of the client much easier in choosing the products which they love. Because of this, the use of product filters is becoming so much more popular. Another set of people who would surely benefit from the use of the products filters are the entrepreneurs. With the help of this tool, they would be able to help their customers find the products which they are looking for so much faster which would, in turn, lead to more sales and conversions on their part.

If you are interested in advanced products filter plugins, here are some of the best which are available with Woocommerce. They will help you create a nice filter and have a better conversion on your site.

1.      YITH Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter (Free and Premium)

This product filter would allow you to help your clients to get all the products they want in one spot. This means that they get to see all the juicy parts of products all at once. This tool is one which would surely help to catch and sustain the attention of your customers in the long run. When you think of the fact that it would take a customer only 15 seconds on average to move on to another site, this plugin becomes very much needed.


The plugins which are used would only be compatible with pages from Woocommerce. This means in other words that it is specifically suited for Woocommerce.  It is also advised that you reduce the number of pages which you use these plugins for at the same time.

You should be able to use your plugins with Woocommerce 3.6.X which is the latest version and it can still be used with previous versions which would include the Woocommerce 3.2.X which is the minimum version which it can be used with.

It can also serve as support to other YITH plugins and themes.it would also be compatible with AVADA, DIVI amongst others. This makes the advanced plugin’s filters a very remarkable tool.

Features of YITH Ajax filter

There are numerous features of this filter. Some of these features would include;

Ability to use a variety of layouts

This product filter would allow you to use a variety of layouts which are made to fit perfectly with the preferences of most clients and yours too. With the layouts right by your side, there would nothing more to do than to enjoy the privilege of being able to solve all your problems.

Products filtered by price

The YITH product filter would also allow you to filter the products which are available by their prices. This means in other words that you would be able to see the names of the products according to the prices which are attached to each.


The price of this plugin is also reasonable and it has a free option also. as using it on a single site would cost you only 64.99 Euros. Using it on multiple sites which could be 6 would cost you 104.99 Euros. With this filter plugin, you would so much more confident in making conversions.

2.      Product Filters for Woocommerce by Nexter

One of the biggest gains of online stores is the ability to filter their product and this is exactly what the product filters designed by Nexters are able to achieve.


The plugins can work only with Woocommerce as it is only fit for the Woocommerce. You can use for multiple pages. However, one page is often advised.

Features of the product filters by Nexter

There are numerous features which you would surely find appealing about this product. These would include;

·         The quick filter feature would be available which would allow customers to perform the filters quickly through the help of the Ajax technology

·         This product filter would also be able to help you separate the products based on their categories, price and so many other factors

·         The customers would be able to sort through it without having to reload most of the things.

·         You would also be able to use filter options which would adapt


The pricing of the Nexter’s product filters would vary. If you are planning on using it for just a single site, you would have to pay $79. If you are using it for 5 sites maximum, you would have to pay $129. If you plan on using it for at least 25 sites, then you would have to pay $179. This subscription is on annually. Of course, there is the demo version which would help you understand what you are using better.

3.      Themify- Woocommerce Product Filter by Themify (FREE)

The product filter which is made by Themify is a great tool for online shoppers to find the products which they are looking for in less than no time. This plugin would ensure that you can make quicker advancements by filtering products through the price range, tags amongst others. With the filtering option on, many shoppers would find the live search really helpful.

Features of the product filter by Themify

Here are some of the features of this product filter;

·         Most shoppers would be able to make use of the live search option which would allow them to see the products which are currently available and are currently in stock making it easier for them to choose an option

·         The drag and drop option which is available will make navigating so much easier for the average shopper

·         You can choose to use either the vertical or the horizontal layouts during any search.


There is absolutely no price attached to this plugin. It is completely free!

4.      Product Filter for Woocommerce

This plugin is often regarded as one of the best-selling plugins for Woocommerce. This is because of the easy way in which it can be integrated with the shop at Woocommerce and other pages which serves as an archive. Also, its ability to work on custom pages makes it a wonderful tool indeed which your customers would really enjoy.


Some of the features of this plugin would include;

·         There are so many filter presets which you can enjoy. This is the same as the number of layouts which are present.

·         There are other ways to analyse the filter performances. This would come with graphics.

·         It also supports the use of mobile phones making it rather appealing to a large number of persons who access the sites through their phones.

·         It also supports AJAX


The pricing of this product filer is pretty fair. You can expect to get it for about $35. The subscription would last for about 6 months.

5.      Unlimited Product Filter

This is a plugin which uses WordPress and Woocommerce to provide the users with a means of filtering their product into various categories using various determinants. What makes this filter really stand out is how easy it is to install it and other settings which are simple in nature.


Here are some of the features of this plugin;

·         This product filter has the ability to fully integrate the Woocommerce shops with the filter making it much easier for customers to navigate on the site and find the product which they would need.

·         It is also proven to be compatible with Woocommerce 2.0.x (minimum) up to Woocommerce 2.6.x.

·         Other files which you can expect to see also would be the JS, CSS and the JavaScript. PHP is also included.


You can get this product filter for 6 months at a price of $16. This is surely a good value for money and you would surely enjoy all its features

6.      WOOF- Woocommerce Product Filter

This is a product filter which is an incredible tool which can ensure that your visitors would be able to successfully navigate the different categories such as the attributes of the product and even the taxonomies which are attached to each product.

Features of the WOOF product filter

There are so many benefits which you would stand to gain if you use the WOOF product filter. Here are some of them;

·         You would get to use shortcodes for products which would ensure that you get your products even faster

·         You would also be able to use the AJAX search for various products

·         Usage of widgets gets even more interesting when you are using this product filter.

Using the premium version of this product filter would get you some image, color and Meta filter amongst others which would equally be as rewarding.


This plugin and product filter can be gotten for about $34

7.      Woocommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo (FREE)

This product filter would be perfect if you want your customers to be able to navigate the online shops with ease and with filters that draw distinctions between the prices, tags and other attributes of products which are currently on sale. The plugin would allow you to enjoy more conversions from visitors to your websites.


Here are some of the top features of this product;

·         You can make filters which would filter your product based on so many other categories. This would include author, price, author and so much more.

·         You would also be able to use the live search which is powered by the AJAX technology.

·         It is fully responsive to such devices such as your mobile phones making it easier to navigate even from your device.

8.      Woocommerce AJAX Products Filter

This product filter would allow you to add so many filters with the aid of the AJAX technology and with just one widget. You would also be able to filter the products which are on your site through many determinants such as the taxonomies, tags, buttons and even the range slider.


Here are some of the features of this product filter which you would find appealing;

·         The product filter would allow you to choose the layout which is most fitting for your filter in your opinion. This would ensure that everything which is their matches your preferences to the fullest measure.

·         You would be able to pagination without having to go through the trouble of reloading the page.

·         The products would be shown on the page. But the striking thing is that you can see the filters just above the products that are below. In other words, this means you would be able to adjust the filters to what you like while still viewing the products.

·         You would be able to use URLs which would be friendly to SEO content.


The price of this plugin would depend on what you are going for. If you are going for just a single site, you would be expected to pay $35. If you are going for 3 sites, the bill would rise to $63, 5 sites would cost you $87, 10 sites, $140 and for developers who work with numerous sites would have $175.


Here are your best Woocommerce product filters. Your business would surely boom with these by your side.

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  1. Marko says:

    Hi, try WooCommerce Product Filter http://mihajlovicnenad.com/product-filter , plugin developed by Mihajlovicnenad.com. You can filter your products by any criteria. Also, it integrates with your Shop and archive pages perfectly. Look at demo site.

  2. Tarun Rai says:

    Some very good plugins being listed here. I would like to share an advanced filter we created as part of a custom solution for one of our clients.
    We created an interactive product filter for a pharmaceutical store. Here, you can select a body part on an image on which product search happens. You can read about the solution here.