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Best WordPress Auction Themes and Plugins

Best WordPress Auction Themes and Plugins

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It is important to know that WordPress is not only for blogs. It is a fully-featured content management app. It is bigger than a mere website.

You can use WordPress to move your business to the next level. Your business portal can do better than telling customers who you are, your vision, what you sell, and how to contact you.

WordPress is a tool you can use to control the process of publishing content. You will not worry about how you will display the content of your material.

An auction WordPress will allow you to run your business online. Now, what is the place of themes and plugins in WordPress? How can you get the best that will make your business competitive?

Not to worry, we have you completely covered in this article. In the end, you are going to get the best of the two. This will take your business interests to the next level.

What to Look for in an Action WordPress Theme and Plugin

It is important to know the demarcation between the apps on the website. When you are aware of this, it will come in handy if you want to make decisions on choices. We must take a look at the major differences between themes and plugins on a website. They perform different roles on the site.

Let us take a look at the major differences between the two:

  • A theme can do about anything you want on your website, but the plugin cannot.
  • A plugin can change the feel and look of your website design, but a theme can perform other functions on the website.
  • You can customize some themes and do away with the installation of plugins. A theme, however, cannot be used to replace a plugin on your website.
  • The theme on the website represents an external influence, while the plugin is an internal influence.
  • The theme organizes and displays external site information.
  • The activation or deactivation of the plugin on your site will not affect anything on the site. This is not so with themes.

Now that we have established the differences between the two, how can you best exploit each of them? This is our take:

The Theme: Allow the theme to handle the beauty and curb appeal of your site.

Plugin: Let the plugin handle the behavior of the site.

When each of the two plays their respective roles on a site, results will come in. You cannot use one to replace the other. Each has its individual use on the site.

The competition for places in each niche is very tough. Now, how can you get the best combination of theme and plugin on your site that will give you the competitive edge?

When it comes to things you should look for when choosing the perfect auction WordPress theme, you should check the following things:

  • SEO Optimized – The auction theme/listings needs to be SEO friendly, you can extend functionalites with plugins but the theme needs to be SEO Friendly
  • Translation Ready – you may want to build your website in diferent leanguage then English and the theme needs to support this
  • Design – A nice design is very important in attracting visitors, you need a theme that let’s you customize most of the things easely and is responsive (optimized for mobile)
  • Performance – The theme needs to load fast, you don’t want a site that is slow. The perfect theme is lightweight and moves fast.
  • Fuctionalites – you want an auction theme that is offering the following: Front-End Submission,Advanced Search Form, Auction Listing Page Template,Google Maps Integration, Payment Integration. You want to check each theme and choose the one that has the features you are looking for.

Best WordPress Auction Themes

It will be difficult to separate the best from the rest. That is why we have compiled a list of the best WordPress themes and plugins on the market. You can pick on any of them, and the combination will take you to the top.

iBid-Multi Vendor Auctions Theme

One of the best themes around on the shelf is the WooCommerce model. The unit price is nothing compared to the quality that you will get from it.

It has been tested for quality by Envato. What we see in the features of this model will keep you on top of any competition in any niche. The designers have their ears to the ground. Their promise of future updates on this model is real.

When you invest in this model, you are guaranteed six months of professional support. No matter the size of the problem, the experts are there to fix it for you. If you want to go the extra mile, you can extend the duration of support to 12 months with a token professional charge.

This is one of the trusted themes that can be used for any type of shop or auction marketplace. It has great functionalities for different online websites.

Auction-Car Dealer WooCommerce Theme

Are you in the business of car listing or being a mechanic? Do you want to get the customers on your side? Then this car dealer WooCommerce is your best bet.

We see in this design something that is compatible with several browsers. Customers will find it easy to deal with it on desktop or mobile.

What we love about this design is the Theme Options panel. You will get realistic returns on your investment through the Theme Options panel. You will love the page builder. It is very powerful.

It is easy to customize the website with this theme. You will be able to build your layout in a very easy way.

The features of this theme are breathtaking. You can use this theme for other products aside from the car niche.

You have to take a look at the features of this theme to understand the technology that comes with it. We guarantee you excellent delivery with this theme.

Adifier-Classified Ads Theme

Adifier is one of the best themes for a complete ad marketplace. The features are built from scratch. Only the essentials are seen through this theme. The theme has a bid control built-in, so it can help you build the perfect auction website.

This technology is the output of an analysis of different marketplaces. The inputs give the best features included in the design. What we see in the features of this model is huge.

If your take is something awesome that covers several areas of interest, then you can trust this theme. This design is targeted at business owners that desire a complete solution. This is a partnership that will take your business interests to the next level.

Your earnings will be taken to the next level. You will get many demos that are custom-made for your business. This is a smart delivery that every online buyer will fall in love with because of the features that come with it.

The payment method is versatile and will pique the interest of the sophisticated online user.

Woo Auction-Wordpress Theme

We cannot leave out the Woo Auction WordPress Theme on our list of the best. It can be created and delivers on promises. This is one reliable, lean, and fast theme. The support is marvelous.

Everything that you need in a theme is integrated into this system. You will get the richness of a responsive theme with a great pre-designed auction theme. It is easy to set your least bid increment.

One of the features that sets this theme aside from the rest is the customization of the URL field. It allows the benefit of accepting other relevant data.

Woo Auction WordPress allows proxy bidding. This allows automatic bidding by the system to the largest amount. Mention can also be made of the responsive pro that comes with this theme.

WordPress Auction Theme

Do you know that you can create an auction website that can rival the likes of eBay.com, Ubid, or BidSpotter? You will get exciting results, custom-built from scratch through the WordPress Auction Theme.

You will achieve unlimited theme installations on your website at no extra cost. The demo content will help you get started immediately. This is something you can customize, and you will get no extra cost for this.

You are guaranteed a 100% responsive design when you invest in this theme. The in-built admin pages are something that you must experience. There are loads of admin tools that will help monetize, track orders, and manage members.

You can make real-time money from your website with the money-making features that come with this theme. You will get an awesome experience if you include this theme in the design of your website.

Best WordPress Auction Themes

If you want the best plugin that will complement the best themes that make up our list above, you must not look beyond our list below. All the Plugins that make our list does so on individual merit as seen in their features. We have a list of the best four below:

WooCommerce Simple Auction Plugin

The WooCommerce simple auction is one of the bright stars on the horizon. This is a creative multi-vendor that will allow you to have your own marketplace. Your sellers can publish their products and make sales on your website.

The beauty of this plugin is that you can make your commission from the sales. You are going to have the benefit of tools that can be used to create a multivendor store.

The 6 months of free support from Wpgenie will provide all the help required to start on a sound footing. You can extend the support for another six months with a token fee. There is the possibility of future updates.

You can change the fees of users via the auction code. Read through their documentation and check out the auction demo website to get a practical feel of the features included in the package.

Auction Nudge Plugin

How about getting an eBay on your website? This is what you will get when you invest in the Auction Nudge Plugin. It is one of the best advertising tools for eBay sellers.

What is seen through this plugin is awesome. This is the reason it is included in our list of the best four. You will get a perfect arrangement through it.

If you want to display an eBay store that will get commendable traffic, you cannot ignore Auction Nudge. It has a super-easy-to-use interface.

You can use it for website installations. This is one of the best eBay-compatible applications around. It can be used to display eBay content on your website.

Ultimate WordPress Auction Plugin


If you want to have a commanding presence when hosting auctions on your site, Ultimate WordPress Auction is a reliable option. You can sell your products with ease. Visitors can engage in bidding.

This is one of the fastest ways to set up auctions on any site. It has a great user interface with loads of features. The features can be configured.

You will get great support with this auction. It is advised that you backup your database before executing any installation. The manual installation is easy with detailed instructions to carry it out. If you follow the detailed instructions on the manual, you will achieve the best returns on your investment.

Another great attribute of this plugin is the opportunity to carry out development.  Browse the code and check out the SVN repository. Besides, you can subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Dokan Plugin

The list of best auctions will not be complete without a mention of Dokan Simple Auctions. The selling features represent one of the best auctionable models around. With Dokan, you are going to achieve a brilliant integration of features.

This is one of the brightest ideas to create a marketplace for actionable products. You have everything set up and will experience a steady flow of cash. This is a smart way of selling auctionable products side by side with regular products.

You are going to get the benefits of extra modules through this plugin. A look at the modules shows the great depth that delivers the best results. With Dokan, you are going to get the right tools. If you have the will, the sky will be the beginning of success.

What you need to enjoy the best benefits are WooCommerce, WooCommerce Simple Auctions, and Dokan Pro. This plugin is suitable for multivendor auction systems.


We have defined the difference between a theme and a plugin. The combination of the best of the two on a platform will take the sales to the top of the chart. If you want the best combination, you can draw from our list above.

The Themes and Plugins above represent the all-time best around on the market for now. The nature of what you want to market will determine your choice among the options listed above. You will get the desired results from any theme or plugin listed above.

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