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Best WordPress Chat Plugins for Live Chat

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Many websites could benefit from having a live chat option: if you offer goods or services, chances are your customers would appreciate an interactive experience. Offering advice, answering questions, slipping a small discount here and there: this strategy could really make a difference. Not to mention that one person can’t answer more than a phone call at a time so why not keep the rest of the customers interested by using a predefined message, promising to get to them in the shortest time possible?

Of course, WordPress developers considered this aspect and in the following post you can study some of the Best WordPress Chat Plugins for Live Chat.

PicMonkey Collage

 Zopim Live Chat

Appreciated by over 150.000 businesses, Zopim is a simple and highly customizable chat widget. Some key features make it a popular choice for various happy clients around the world: it is mobile optimized, it allows the use of some predefined triggers to help you increase the chances of high value engagement (and more sales) and it provides advanced analytics you can monitor visitor flow, usage patterns and lets you jump in whenever a customer might need help. Moreover, it is available in over 40 languages and works across major browsers.


Price: Starts FREE for 1 Agent only| Download it Here

Formilla Live Chat

With Formilla Live Chat you can choose between FREE live chat and Premium services for your WordPress site. It is easy to install, mobile friendly and packed with options that will increase interaction and conversions on your website: pro-active chat: after a predefined amount of time, Google Talk support, multilanguage pack, custom colors/themes, attention grabbers, etc.

formilla live chat

It has a FREE STANDARD version| Download it Here


Under 3 minutes you can install, customize and benefit from the awesome features this plugin has to offer. It has an intuitive dashboard that allows you to answer multiple clients quickly and effectively.

pure chat

It has a FREE version| See more info Here

Acobot Live Chat & Contact Form

This is an amazing conversion instrument combining two important features: a live chat robot that greets, collects e-mail addresses and other contact info, answers questions and a contact form. Benefit from this automation facility that keeps your website interactive even when you’re on vacation.


It offers a FREE trial period, no credit card needed| Download it Here

FlexyTalk – Live Chat

This is a powerful, affordable and most popular Live Chat solution for everyone. Free plan includes unlimited chats, mobile apps and Facebook integration.


Details|Download HERE


It has a series of features that can make a difference for your business:

  • Multiple concurrent live chats (based on your plan)
  • Agent to agent chat particularly handy if a second opinion is needed
  • Trigger Rules: Decide on which pages you send custom invites to your visitors read more
  • Queues: When all agents are busy, visitors enter a queue and they are updated on their position in the line
  • Offline Messages: If no agent is online, visitor can leave a message
  • Facebook integration: Install FlexyTalk Live Chat on your Facebook business page as a tab
  • View live chat History: View past live chat sessions from the visitor you are chatting with
  • Integrate social media channels: invite your visitors to like your Facebook page, follow you on Twitter and add your Google+ page to their circles
  • multiple chatbox themes
  • Full translation


ClickDesk is a fast live chat service and also allows web visitors to click to call and voice chat with you directly from browser or by dialing the local access numbers available in 40+ countries. Agents can answer live chats and calls from the online agent panel, Google talk or Skype.


It has a Free Version| Download it Here

Banckle Chat

This is another feature rich plugin to help you interact with your customers. Highly customizable, it has a free trial version available with no credit card and also a free plan but without all the features.


 Download it Here

 WordPress Live Chat

This is a very useful, open-source, one time fee plugin. It is easy to customize and it can be used on unlimited websites.


Details| Price: 17$

ClientEngage WordPress Live Chat with Web&Windows Clients

The ClientEngage Visitor Chat for WordPress is a fully featured, real-time chat for your WordPress websites. A clear and simple web-based administration allows you to conveniently chat with your visitors. One-time fee.


Details|Price: 33$

WordPress Live Chat Plugin

With a modern and clean look, easy to install and unlimited uses with one time fee this plugin has a series of helpful features: multiple operators and guests chatting, high quality set of avatar images, initial “welcome” message after guest logs in, operator knows which page the guest is currently visiting,sound notifications (10 predefined sounds to choose from).


Details|Price: 28$

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  1. Paul says:

    I found here some good points on live chat solutions, however there are plenty more out there.

    Why don’t you guys consider writing a similar article, but instead of listing live support chats, you could focus on describing social chat platforms like Chatwee? I think it would be excellent idea for another post.

    Thanks, Paul