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Breakdance Builder Resources

On this page you can find resources for Brakdance builder that can help you build a nice WordPress website.

Breakdance Elements/Libraries

In this section you will find a list with free and premium Breakdance builder elements and libraries that are on the internet and help you build a faster WordPress website.


Free and Premium elements for brackdance page builder.
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Free and Premium elements for brackdance page builder.
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Free and Premium elements for brackdance page builder.
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Free and Premium effect elements for brackdance builder.
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Premium elements for brackdance page builder.
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Free elements and pages for brackdance page builder.
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Breakdance Video Tutorials

This section holds the best YouTube channels with breakdance tutorials so you can understand it and build websites fast.

Design with Cracka

YouTube Channel with breakdance tutorials, the best resource if you want to learn breakdance 
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Gold Penguin TV

12 brakdance tutorials that can help you wild a website over breakdance, it has also blog setup tutorials.
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PK Almost Inevitable

22 Breakdance tutorials to build your store with WooCommerce.
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Breakdance Code Snipets

In this section you will find code snippets that will help you build your website fast.

1. Make 1rem to 10px

The below code will help you format 1rem to have 10px to be easier to calculate, you need to add in a breackdance stylesheet and add the css code.

html {

font-size: 62.5%


2. Container Size

The bellow code can be used to set a global size and then be user in the container size, it will make on smaller devices to have some space till the logo. In container you can use var(--site-width)


--site-width:min(1600px, 90vw)


Submit Breackdance Resource

In case you have a breackdance resource that can be used by the community you can use the bellow form and send it.