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How To Duplicate Pages in WordPress

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Do you want to copy and paste a page or post in WordPress without having to rewrite everything from scratch? Maybe you want to create a new page that is similar to an existing one, but with some minor changes. Or maybe you want to reuse some of the content or layout from a previous page for a new one.

Whatever the reason, duplicating a page or post in WordPress can be very useful and convenient. It can save you time and effort, as well as ensure consistency and accuracy across your website.

In this article, we will show you how to duplicate pages in WordPress with one click, using a simple and free plugin. This method works for any page builder like Elementor, Breakdance or Gutenberg editor, and it does not require any coding skills.

Key Takeaways

  • Duplicating a page or post in WordPress can help you create new content faster and easier
  • You can duplicate any page or post in WordPress using the Duplicate Page plugin
  • The Duplicate Page plugin allows you to copy and paste any page or post with one click, and customize the settings according to your needs
  • The Duplicate Page plugin works with any page builder or Gutenberg editor, and it does not affect the performance or security of your website

Why Would You Duplicate a Page in WordPress

There are many reasons why you might want to duplicate a page or post in WordPress. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • You want to create a new page that is similar to an existing one. For example, you might have a landing page that you want to use for different campaigns, but with some changes in the headline, images, or call-to-action. Instead of creating a new page from scratch, you can duplicate the existing one and make the necessary modifications.
  • You want to reuse some of the content or layout from a previous page for a new one. For example, you might have a blog post that has a great introduction, conclusion, or formatting that you want to apply to another post. Instead of copying and pasting the content manually, you can duplicate the original post and edit the parts that you want to change.
  • You want to test different versions of a page or post. For example, you might want to do some A/B testing or split testing to see which version of a page or post performs better in terms of conversions, traffic, or engagement. Instead of creating multiple pages or posts from scratch, you can duplicate the original one and tweak the elements that you want to test.

As you can see, duplicating a page or post in WordPress can help you create new content faster and easier, as well as improve your website’s performance and user experience.

How to Duplicate a Page for Any Page Builder or Gutenberg

In case you want to see all the proces with some examples that will help you do all the duplication page process including modifying the permalink of the new page you can check the bellow video:

The easiest way to duplicate a page or post in WordPress is to use a plugin that does the job for you. There are many plugins that can help you with this task, but we recommend using the Duplicate Page plugin.

The Duplicate Page plugin is a simple and lightweight plugin that allows you to copy and paste any page or post with one click. It has over 3 million active installations and a 4.9-star rating on the WordPress plugin directory.

The Duplicate Page plugin works with any page builder or Gutenberg editor, and it does not affect the performance or security of your website. It also lets you customize the settings according to your needs, such as choosing the user roles that can duplicate pages, adding a prefix or suffix to the duplicated pages, changing the status of the duplicated pages, and more.

Use Duplicate Page WordPress Plugin

To use the Duplicate Page plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Install and activate the plugin from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > Duplicate Page and configure the options according to your preferences.
  3. Go to Pages > All Pages (or Posts > All Posts) and find the page or post that you want to duplicate.
  4. Hover over the title of the page or post and click on “Duplicate This” (or “New Draft” if you have changed the default setting).
  5. A new page or post will be created with the same title, content, and settings as the original one.
  6. Edit the new page or post as you wish and publish it when ready.

That’s it! You have successfully duplicated a page or post in WordPress using the Duplicate Page plugin.

Install the Plugin

If you are not sure how to install a plugin in WordPress, here is a quick guide:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Type “Duplicate Page” in the search box and hit enter.
  3. Find the plugin by mndpsingh287 and click on “Install Now”.
  4. Wait for the installation to complete and click on “Activate”.
  5. The plugin is now installed and activated on your website.


Duplicating a page or post in WordPress can be very useful and convenient when you want to create new content that is similar to an existing one, reuse some of the content or layout from a previous one, or test different versions of a page or post.

The easiest way to duplicate a page or post in WordPress is to use the Duplicate Page plugin, which allows you to copy and paste any page or post with one click. The plugin works with any page builder like Elementor, Breakdance or Gutenberg editor, and it does not affect the performance or security of your website. It also lets you customize the settings according to your needs.

We hope this article helped you learn how to duplicate pages in WordPress with one click. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading!

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