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Embed Easy WordPress Plugins Into Posts With Info Card Plugin

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A new plugin was developed to add easy and with style the plugins from WordPress repository into your posts. The informations about the plugin will be like in the right  box that I have inserted.[wp-pic slug=”wp-plugin-info-card” logo=”svg” align=”right” margin=”0 0 0 20px” banner=”png” containerid=”download-sexion” ajax=”yes”]

The plugin can have the below parametes:

Shortcode parameters

  • slug: plugin slug name – Please refer to the plugin URL on wordpress.org to determine its slug: https://wordpress.org/plugins/THE-SLUG/
  • image: image url to replace WP logo – Best size is 175px X 175px (default: empty)
  • logo: 128×128.jpg, 256×256.jpg, 128×128.png, 256×256.png, svg, no (default: svg)
  • banner: jpg, png, no (default:empty)
  • align: center, left, right (default: empty)
  • containerid: custom div id, may be used for anchor (default: wp-pic-PLUGIN-NAME)
  • margin: custom container margin – eg: “15px 0″ (default: empty)
  • clear: clear float before or after the card: before, after (default: empty)
  • expiration: cache duration in minutes – numeric format only (default: 10)
  • ajax: (BETA) load the plugin data asynchronously with AJAX: yes, no (default: no)
  • scheme: card color scheme: scheme1 to scheme10 (default: default color scheme defined in admin)
  • ustom: value to output: url, name, version, author, requires, rating, num_ratings, downloaded, last_updated, download_link (default: empt

The plugin looks interesting and helps inserting the WordPress plugins with more style and more informations. More details about the plugin you can find here: WP Plugin Info Card.

The plugin has also a widget option that will help in adding the plugins in the widget area.


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