In case you don’t want to pay the big bucks for hosting your WordPress websites then you should check WordOps a server admin tool that will help you host WordPress websites on VPS servers.
WordOps has forked from EasyEngine v3 and it is having some interesting features that can help you host easily a WordPress website. Some of the important features are:
If you are interested to see how the best VPS providers compare check the DigitalOcean vs Vultr vs Hetzner article.
These are some of the most important features of WordOps, in this article, you will see everything you need to do to host your WordPress site on WordOps.
First thing is to have a domain, in case you don’t have one already you can check NameCheap. Here you can buy a domain and point it to a DNS server, I am using Cloudflare for my sites. After you have the domain and is hosted on a DNS server you can move to the next steps and quire a VPN.
WordOps needs a VPS server. I am using Vultr for this, but you can use DigitalOcean or any VPS provider that can offer a supported version of Ubuntu or Debian. WordOps it is only working with Debian versions and it is recommended to use 18.04 LTS (bionic). You can give it a name like vps.(domain).tld For a more affordable option to DigitalOcean, you can check this Hetzner Review.
3.1 Add the swap to the server
sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
echo '/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
3.2 Update the VPS
Next, you update the OS and restart the server:
yum update
yum upgrade
3.3 Install WordOps
The install steps are very easy, you just run the below command to install WordOps:
wget -qO wo && sudo bash wo
3.4 Install WordOps stack:
You just run the below command that will install NginX, PHP , mysql,etc, more on: Post Install
wo stack install
3.5 Add your backend website first
You want to secure your backend URL with an SSL certificate and by default WordOps will use the first certificate, that’s why you need to add your server first:
Add an A record in the DNS to your server name, eg: vps.domain.tld. This will tell the DNS where to point the name used in the browser
Add the website to WordOps:
wo site create vps.domain.tld -le --force
Access your backend with https://vps.domain.tld:22222
3.6 Add The First WordPress Website
Now everything is configured so you can add your first WordPress website, first is to login into the DNS provider and point the root site to the VPS IP, after you can point also the www to the same IP, as in the picture:
Next, you need to run the WordOps command to add the server with what you need:
wo site create domain.tld --wpredis -le --force --php74
This command will add a Redis WordPress website on PHP 7.4. You have a lot of options, the complete list is here: Commands
3.7 Check the site and performance:
Next, you can open a browser and see if the site is accessible and how fast it is. If we check with some tools we will see:
Not all the time you will get under 1 second but the site is loading very fast and using the Redis cache for this.
WordOps is a very interesting tool that helps in having a speedy WordPress website with modern technologies. If you want to try something new that is fast I will definitely give WordOps a try. I have migrated this site into a 5$ VPS and is very fast and secure.
fredman says:
So after “wo site create domain.tld –wpredis -le –force –php74” you require no WP cache plugin whatsoever? Does redis automatically know not to cache /wp-admin/ ?
Would be great to have a full setup. So far I didn’t see full setup tutorial.
admin says:
You will have the wordpress redis plugin installed by default with this command. wp-admin would not be cached by default.
I am not using any more wordops as it was placing all the websites under the same os user and `i didn’t like that.
The tutorial was meant to get you going.
Richard Brown says:
hey Thanks for the Tutorial. How can I access the website files. could you provide the steps
admin says:
You need an FTP client, that you can use and access the files.
Thien says:
Why enable the access log and Fail2ban, isn’t that add more CPU cycles to your server load? Ubuntu has UFW firewalls already isn’t it. Please give opinion on SlickStack script too (LEMP in Ubuntu)
admin says:
fail2ban is just parsing the logs for problems and adds a block in the firewall. so it is used for something else.
I will review a different tool soon that I am using and is best than all I have seen.