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How to Integrate WooCommerce with Google Analytics for Advanced Reports

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If your use WooCommerce to sell online products then it would be a good idea to have the plugin integrated with Google Analytics to have access to better reports. Reports are very important especially if you promote your store on different online channels and you want to see the revenue that every channel is bringing.

Google Analytics made it possible for some time to integrate your eCommerce platforms to it to have enhanced reports. Below you can see some of the information that you can study in Google Analytics (if you are not convinced yet about the benefits that Analytics have):

Revenue that every channel is making in a given period


Top Selling Products and Revenue Per Product

Every platform offers this feature but with Google Analytics you can use it with the other tracked details to create advanced reports.


Coupons Used

order coupon

Shopping Behaviour

shopping behaviour

These are the standard reports that you can have if you integrate the ecommerce platform with Analytics. Below I will put the steps that you need to follow to have Google analytics integrated with your WooCommerce store.

Steps to integrate Google Analytics with Woocommerce

To integrate WooCommerce with Google Analytics we use a free plugin:  Enhanced E-commerce for Woocommerce store that will help link the ecommerce site with Analytics and have the above information into your Analytics dashboard. There are also other Yoast plugin that has more features, but this costs money. In this tutorial I will show how to install and configure the free plugin Enhanced E-commerce for Woocommerce store .

Step 1. >>  To install the plugin, head to the Dashboard and choose “Plugins” from the sidebar to the left.


Step 2. >> On the Plugins page, click on “Add New”, either from the top of the page or the dropdown menu from the sidebar under “Plugins”.

plugins add new

 Step 3. >> Type in “Enhanced E-commerce for Woocommerce store” or similar into the search box and hit “Enter”

search plugins

Step 4.>> Scroll down the search results until you find the plugin you need and click “Install Now”. Read the description to the right or click “Details” first if you feel you need more info first.

install now anal

Step 5.>> Once the plugin has unpacked and installed, you simply need to click “Activate Plugin” and you’ll be ready to go

Step 6.>> To find your Google Analytics settings, head the sidebar of your Dashboard and click “WooCommerce >> Settings >> Integration”.

analitics settings

Step 7.>> Configure the plugin with your details and hit “SAVE”

  • Email: Put the email address to receive updates.
  • Google Analytics ID:  it is in the format UA-xxxxx-x and can be found in the Google Analytics dashboard.
  • Set Domain Name: put the domain name of the store like in the example.
  • Add Universal Analytics Tracking Code (Optional) – Only if you use it in the Google Analytics in case you use the classic don’t check it.
  • Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking Code – check this option to have access to advanced reports.
  • Add Code to Track the Login Step of Guest Users (Optional) – in case you have the option that customer to buy without an account check also this.

Step 8. >> Activate the ecommerce option in Google Analytics

– Go to Admin and choose the account for which you want to activate it. Hit the Ecommerce setings in the View area:

activate eccomerce setings

– Put the On active for ecommerce and hit submit.

on ecommerce

That’s all you have to do!  After this you just navigate into Analytics and check the reports to see if the data starts to come.

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  1. Bhumi says:

    Good read! Thank you for the great post.