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How to Speed Up WordPress with CloudFlare, Varnish and Redis on CloudPanel

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WordPress is one of the most popular and powerful content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. However, WordPress can also be slow and resource-intensive, especially if you have a lot of traffic, plugins, or media files on your site.

Fortunately, there are some effective ways to speed up WordPress and reduce server load by using a combination of CloudFlare, Varnish and Redis on CloudPanel. In this article, we will explain what these technologies are, how they can improve your WordPress performance, and how to set them up easily with CloudPanel.

Key Takeaways

A global network of servers that delivers your content faster and protects your site from malicious attacks.A web application accelerator that caches your web pages in memory and serves them to visitors without hitting your server.An in-memory data store that caches your database queries and objects and reduces the load on your database server.
Free and easy to set up with CloudPanel.Free and pre-installed on CloudPanel.Free and pre-installed on CloudPanel.
Can reduce your bandwidth usage, improve your SEO ranking, and enhance your security.Can increase your page load speed, improve your user experience, and save your server resources.Can improve your database performance, reduce your response time, and scale your site easily.

What is Varnish Cache and Redis Cache

Before we dive into how to set up CloudFlare, Varnish and Redis on CloudPanel, let’s first understand what these technologies are and how they work.

Varnish Cache

The CloudPanel Varnish Cache article can help you understand more about varnish and you can check it.

Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator that sits in front of your web server and caches your web pages in memory. When a visitor requests a page from your site, Varnish checks if it has a cached version of that page and serves it directly without hitting your web server. This way, Varnish can handle thousands of concurrent requests with minimal latency and CPU usage.

Varnish Cache is especially useful for WordPress sites that have a lot of static or dynamic content that does not change frequently, such as blog posts, product pages, or landing pages. By caching these pages with Varnish, you can reduce the number of PHP executions and database queries that WordPress needs to generate each page, which can significantly improve your site performance and scalability.

Redis Cache

Redis Cache is an in-memory data store that can be used as a cache for your database queries and objects. WordPress uses a relational database (MySQL or MariaDB) to store all its data, such as posts, comments, users, settings, etc. However, querying the database can be slow and expensive, especially if you have a large or complex database.

Redis Cache can help you speed up your database performance by storing the results of frequently used or expensive queries in memory and retrieving them instantly when needed. This way, Redis can reduce the load on your database server and improve your site responsiveness.

Redis Cache can also be used as an object cache for WordPress, which means it can store the PHP objects that WordPress uses to run its core functions and plugins. By caching these objects with Redis, you can reduce the number of PHP executions that WordPress needs to load each page, which can further improve your site performance and scalability.

By using Redis Cache as a fallback cache for Varnish Cache, you can optimize your WordPress performance for both static and dynamic pages and reduce your server load significantly.

How To Set Everything Up by using CLP Varnish Cache, Redis Object Cache, Super Page Cache for Cloudflare plugins

Below is a diagram that helps you better understand how things are working in this scenario:

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So in this scenario, we will need to use 3 plugins to accomplish everything:

  • CLP Varnish Cache – This is a free plugin that will help you control CloudPanel Varnish settings, you just need to install and activate it.
  • Redis Object Cache – another free plugin that will activate Redis cache, you just need to enable the Redis cache for this to work.
  • Super Page Cache for Cloudflare – free plugin that will help link WordPress to Cloudflare, it will create a static version of your page and load it to CloudFlare cache, it works like CloudFlare APO which is 5$ a month but it’s free.

Each tool benefits:

1. Cloudflare

Cloudflare acts as our initial line of defense. It stores cached versions of your web pages, including CSS, JavaScript, and images in their Content Delivery Network (CDN).

2. Varnish Cache

Varnish Cache plays a crucial role as the front end for your server. It stores web pages efficiently, serving as a buffer between your server and visitors.

3. Redis

Redis comes into play for caching objects in PHP and handling queries. It stores these objects in memory, enabling lightning-fast data retrieval.

4. CloudPanel

CloudPanel offers a user-friendly interface for managing various aspects of your server configuration.

The Process

Let’s break down the optimization process:

1. Cloudflare’s Role

  • Visitors first reach Cloudflare.
  • Cloudflare stores cached web pages and assets on their CDN.
  • This minimizes server requests and accelerates page delivery.

2. Varnish Cache’s Function

  • If a page isn’t in the Cloudflare cache, Varnish Cache steps in.
  • It acts as a buffer, storing web pages on your server.
  • Varnish Cache doesn’t store images and heavy assets.

3. Redis for Swift Retrieval

  • Varnish Cache communicates with Redis.
  • Redis stores PHP objects and query results in memory.
  • When a request comes from Varnish to fetch an object, Redis retrieves it promptly.

Putting It Into Action

To see these principles in action, we’ll use a test WordPress website named “Best Pokemon I’ve Done.” We’ll go through the essential steps:

  1. Varnish Cache Plugin
    • Activate the “CLP Varnish Cache” plugin.
    • Configure its settings to enable Varnish Cache on your server.
  2. Redis Object Cache Plugin
    • Activate the “Ready to Object Cache” plugin.
    • Customize its settings to enhance caching for queries and PHP objects.
  3. Cloudflare Integration
    • Use the “Super Page Cache for Cloudflare” plugin.
    • Configure it by linking your Cloudflare account and selecting caching options.
  4. Additional Plugin for Cleanup

The Results

By following these steps and harnessing the power of free tools, you can experience a remarkable improvement in your WordPress website’s loading times. The benefits are evident: faster loading, a better user experience, and reduced server load.


In conclusion, you have the tools and knowledge to supercharge your WordPress website’s speed. Say goodbye to sluggish loading times and hello to a faster, more responsive site. The power of optimization is at your fingertips.

Don’t forget to monitor and ensure that everything is working correctly, especially when using dynamic plugins. And if you enjoyed this guide, please like and subscribe for more valuable insights. Thanks for reading!

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