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Stop WordPress Spam and Stylish Comments with Fluent Comments

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WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used platforms for creating websites and blogs. It offers a lot of features and flexibility to customize your site according to your needs and preferences. One of the most important aspects of any website is the comment system, which allows you to interact with your visitors and readers, get feedback, build trust, and increase engagement.

However, WordPress comment system also comes with some challenges and drawbacks. One of the biggest problems is spam, which can clutter your site with unwanted and irrelevant messages, links, and ads. Spam can also affect your site’s performance, security, and reputation. Another issue is the lack of style and functionality in the default WordPress comment system, which can make your comments look boring and unappealing.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can help you overcome these challenges and enhance your site’s comment system. It is called Fluent Comments plugin, a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to stop WordPress spam and stylish comments with just a few clicks. In this article, we will show you how Fluent Comments plugin works, what are its benefits, and how you can install and use it on your site.

WordPress Comment Spam

WordPress comment spam is a common problem that affects millions of websites and blogs. It is usually generated by bots or automated programs that post irrelevant or malicious messages, links, or ads on your site’s comment section. These spam comments can have various purposes, such as:

  • Promoting products or services that are unrelated to your site’s content or niche.
  • Driving traffic to other websites that may contain malware or viruses.
  • Manipulating search engine rankings by creating backlinks to low-quality or spammy sites.
  • Damaging your site’s reputation by posting negative or offensive comments.
  • Stealing your site’s resources by slowing down your server or consuming your bandwidth.

WordPress comment spam can have serious consequences for your site if left unchecked. It can:

  • Distract your visitors and readers from your site’s content and value proposition.
  • Discourage your visitors and readers from leaving genuine comments or engaging with your site.
  • Harm your site’s SEO by lowering your site’s quality score or triggering penalties from search engines.
  • Expose your site to security risks by allowing hackers or attackers to inject malicious code or scripts into your site.
  • Cost you money by increasing your hosting fees or reducing your ad revenue.

Fluent Comments Plugin Overview

Fluent Comments plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to customize and improve your site’s comment system. It is designed to help you stop WordPress spam and stylish comments with ease and efficiency. Fluent Comments was created by WPManageNinja Team which has other nice plugins in their portfolio like FluentCRM or FluentForms.

Fluent Comments plugin has the following features:

  • Anti-spam integration: Fluent Comments plugin protects your WordPress website from spam with advanced cryptographic mechanisms
  • Comment layouts: Fluent Comments plugin stylish the comments form with a nice design and a good user experience.
  • Compatible with all themes (except FSE Themes) – the plugin is compatible with all WordPress themes except Full Site Editing ones.

Fluent Comments Video:

Stop Spam and Stylish Comments with Fluent Comments Plugin

Now that you know what Fluent Comments plugin is and what it can do for your site’s comment system, let’s see how you can install and use it on your site. Here are the steps:

  • Step 1: Download Fluent Comments plugin from the official WordPress plugin repository or from the developer’s website.
  • Step 2: Install and activate Fluent Comments plugin on your WordPress dashboard. You can do this by uploading the plugin zip file or by searching for it in the plugin directory.
  • Step 3: Check and see that everything is working as expected. You don’t need to do any configs after the plugin is activated is just works, you should check and see that comments are displayed correctly and one can let a comment.


WordPress comment system is an essential part of any website or blog. It allows you to interact with your visitors and readers, get feedback, build trust, and increase engagement. However, WordPress comment system also comes with some challenges and drawbacks, such as spam and lack of style and functionality.

Fluent Comments plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to stop WordPress spam and stylish comments with ease and efficiency.

Fluent Comments it’s free and cam be check to see exactly what can do for your WordPress website.

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